Dispute Resolution
You might notice that we call our services “dispute resolution” instead of litigation. That is because, just like you, our aim is to resolve the matter in a timely and cost effective manner. Litigation is only one mean to the end.
We understand that no matter how small a litigation is, it consumes the precious time and money of our client, which could be better off spent on profitable investments or simply enjoying themselves. We also understand that whether you are the winning or losing party, litigation is not a pleasant experience. That is why we always tell you the options, advise you the pros and cons and allow you to choose the best course to take.
However, when litigation is the only mean to achieve the end, we will advocate or defend your best interests with full strength. We understand the law and we know the procedure. We also know the best experts across various fields who could provide best supports to your case.
We may assist you on:
- Breach of Contract
- Debt Recovery
- Intellectual Property Dispute
- Trade Mark Dispute
- Copyright Dispute
- Business Dispute
- Partnership and Shareholders Disputes
- Joint Venture Disputes
- Franchise Dispute
- Personal Guarantee Dispute
- Property Law Disputes
- Sale of Land Contract
- Commercial and Retail Leases
- Caveats and Securities over land
- Strata Law
- Easement and Covement
- Environmental Planning
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